Students and money,the to go hand in hand. It can be difficult for a typical student to get a credit card with not much credit history, a young age and no regular income but luckly a few banks understand these issues and there are some cards that are specifically aimed at students.
Card | Description | APR | Balance Transfers | 0% Purchases | Instant Decision | Apply |
Barclaycard Student Credit Card Awesome looking card from Barclays is specifically aimed for students. | 14.9% | 0% for 14 months | 0% for 3months | |||
NatWest Credit Card is aimed at students you do need a student account with NatWest. read more |
18.9% | N/A | N/A | |||
Virgin Credit Card Not strictly aimed at students but a good alternative choice. |
15.9% | 0% for 15 months | 0% for 3months |
As always with credit cards make sure you thoughly understand what you are signing up for before accepting the credit card. Check with the supplier for all the terms and conditions. On these credit building credit cards the APR is higher than the usual.